“Attending ceremony with Snake Skin Medicine brought an opportunity to experience the infinite forms of human expression, movement, and be - ing. The love, care and passion brought from Mikayla vibrates any space into a cosmic healing portal!”

— Rebecca

“Mikayla consistently create a safe container where I am able to explore my primal expression through sound and movement. I have had the pleasure of experiencing two of her ceremonies so far. I already feel more attuned with my body’s intrinsic nature. Mikayla provides support to journeys of grounding deeper to self and the Earth. “

— Rachael

“My healing sessions with Mikayla were unparallel to anything I’d ever experienced before. She holds powerfully intuitive space, moving energy in a magical and visceral way. 

The somatic and emotional breakthroughs I was able to make with Mikayla have been revolutionary on my healing journey. Deep gratitude for this highly gifted being.”


Working with Snake Skin Medicine helped me come out of the darkest and most difficult time in my life.

Mikayla has an organic intuition and facilitates with grace while providing a safe space. 

In a state of being completely numb, removed and lost, her somatic work allowed me to realign from within and step into my true being.

— Mateo

I have worked with Mikayla in 1-1 somatic sessions. My experience with her is always profound, immersive and illuminating. As a somatic guide, Mikayla holds this beautiful presence that feels ancient and true to the mission of this work.

She is an expert at curating safe and beautiful spaces that brings you back to remembering, back to the inner parts of your body. Her questions are spot on to bring out that which needs to be said and find clarity behind the subconscious messaging. It’s a full experience that you cannot turn away from.

— Mishelle

Shirodhara is an experience most people probably haven't heard of before but now that I've given it a try I could see this becoming a lot more ubiquitous within the massage world in the near future. I would highly recommend working with Mikayla for your first Shirodhara treatment. Her gentle touch along with her studies in Ayurveda allowed me to drop into a new realm of relaxation. Not only was her massage done with a high level of skill and intention, the Shirodhara treatment brought on a state of bliss and clarity that was on par with some of the deepest meditative self explorations I've ever had. As my body had melted under her touch, the herbally-infused ayurvedic oil cascading over my third eye allowed this to be quite a moving spiritual experience for me. If you haven't worked with Mikayla yet you certainly should!

— Robert

“Creature is by far my favorite regular social event. I've tried to convince like 10 people to come so far and told at least 20 others. There's something magical about letting your inner creature out to interact with other creatures. What I find most fascinating is that the same fears that stop me from approaching others in the real world come out in the creature world, and by fighting those fears as a creature without the binding social rules, I gain confidence that translates to everyday life. Explore what's inside of yourself. Discovering creature has been one of my greatest joys. Where else can you roar like tiger, walk like a gorilla, slither like a snake, or bark like a dog? Experience the animals buried deep inside yourself.”

— Brian

“Creature is an AMAZING immersive, somatic experience. Mikayla weaves such a beautiful narrative that enters you into a trance-like flow state to embody the creatures within. I found the experience to be profound and eye-opening as I discovered my inner landscape through dance! Exiting my mind for a brief couple of hours and having the guidance to move at my truest pace, I was able to discover different attributes and strengths that lay under the surface, in the hidden realms of my subconscious, but accessible through my body and creature archetypes. The environment is well held, and she gives permission to be your wildest, untamed self. There are so many different expressions of this happening in the room and I believe each person’s experience is highly specific to their life and story. No two dances are the same. Each time I’ve attended I’ve also learned something new about myself that was ready to be revealed at that time. I highly recommend others come and open to the possibilities that arise in this dance.”

— Jessie

“Mikayla worked with me in her offering of Ayurvedic Healing to create a Dinacharya which is a daily routine/ritual made specifically for you based on your dosha (constitution). I can’t tell you how beneficial it has been to wake up every morning and have a routine that I love, that is personal to my needs. It changed my quality of life and actually sparked a major beginning on my health journey that lead to me digging deeper into my gut health imbalances with a naturopath. I’m still following my Dinacharya and the Ayurvedic wisdom that Mikayla shared with me through our sessions. She helped me learn which foods would support my imbalances and shared tools that I will be using for the rest of my life. Major life hacks honestly. Cannot recommend this enough!! It made me feel excited to wake up every day knowing I had my Dinacharya practice to set up the tone for my day.”

— Morganne

“Mikayla was a true conduit in allowing me to reconnect with my sense of self through Reiki. She began by preparing herself and the space and then welcomed me in to her studio. It was a brand new experience for me but I felt really at ease during the whole experience. Every part of the healing felt like a message sent directly for me and not just some generic “good words”. She’s truly gifted. I left her studio vibrating from head to toe. Could not recommend her services enough!”

— Maryza

“Mikayla is great at slowing things down enough for me to relax and breathe deeply into a posture while also providing clear and practical suggestions that guide me into a way of enhancing my experience of them. I very much feel like she takes the time to understand where I am at in my practice, asks questions, and gives precise feedback that is sensitive to where I can explore more. Mikayla holds a great space for learning yoga. I definitely look forward to my time with her.”

— Ty

“I was lucky to connect with Mikayla for yoga lessons. She is patient, caring, and passionate about helping people and made me feel welcome and comfortable right away. She listened and worked with me to create personal plans around where I was and what I needed, introducing me to different types of yoga and meditation, things I have continued to practice everyday that have had a huge positive impact on my life.”

— Jack

“I highly recommend Mikayla! We’ve been working with her for several months now and she is so patient, attentive and extremely knowledgeable. I suffer with back and hip issues and she has taught me some stretches that I have implemented into my nightly routine. Our zoom sessions are always something I look forward to; catching up, learning new things and the sense of calm and peace that comes after a good yoga session.”

— Cicely

“Mikayla's gentle way of delivering clear, simple directions creates an atmosphere that allows participants to feel safe to focus on body postures. Mikayla simultaneously creates the flow and the direction for personalized meditation which is always calming and soothing, yet energizing and productive. Her classes are special.”

— Kathleen

“Mikayla has a beautiful, peaceful energy. She is professional and dedicated to her work. I love learning Yoga through her simplified, practical and gentle teachings. I highly reccommend her services.”

— Camélia

“The different programs offer a really special and personalized experience for all levels and time availability. I approached Mikayla about what I was looking for. She exceeded my expectations with her sessions, schedule flexibility, and extra readings/resources that she has developed through Wild Moon Yogashala.”

— Dylan

“I started yoga more than a decade ago in addition to many other meditation options as well as martial arts. Mikayla was able to engage several different aspects of yoga culture and process which allowed me to understand the spiritual part of the practice. This was a missing link until it was engaged through one on one sessions where she studies you, your daily routine, energy level and many other drivers based upon the dosha quiz results. Up until then I didn’t understand why I was so successful at intermittent fasting even if I had studied and practiced many other fasting methods. My dosha quiz revealed upon her study that my diet is best fit if initiated noon through early evening, which is amazingly accurate! Based on these energy levels you may start to get to know yourself and your inner consciousness better.”

— Alper

“The way Mikayla works with an individuals authentic vision - she does not overshadow the design with what she thinks will look good, but she truly helps to bring out an individuals dream and desire and helps make it manifest. I would highly recommend anyone who has any design needs to contact Mikayla.

The way in which she aligns photos together is honestly an expression of artistic vision. Her capacity to not just see one photo as what it may be, but her ability to lay them out in a grid that not only fits an individuals desire but it also weaves together a larger picture & tells a story.
Her in-depth knowledge coupled with her desire to truly help bring an individuals dreams earth side are truly magical. She truly has helped me see myself, my business & brand through its highest potentiality.”

— Chanda Rollins

“Mikayla is my virtual assistant for my website and Instagram presence. She has guided me in a consolidation process that's been essential for my work to be seen and received accordingly. She is a catalyst in bridging one’s gifts into the virtual realms of communication, is excellent in conveying my brand's intention with precision to its authenticity and devotion. 

I am so grateful for her attentive nature, our heartfelt collaboration and organizational skills which enrich the foundation for success in the field of conscious business. Thanks to her carefully aligned approach to the field of design my message is coming through in its cohesive and captivating value.“

— Carla Zurcher